Okay, I've once again been a terrible blogger. And once again... I'll try and do better! Keeping up w/ a two year old is hard work!!! Who'da thunk it?? LOL
Nelson is doing so many new things now it's hard to keep up! He's talking up a storm and is just sharp as a tack. And oh boy, is this kid funny! He's getting more and more independant. If I try to help him w/ something and he doesn't want help, he'll point away and say "Go!". Okay, Mr. Boss Man!! He loves the movie Cars. If I let him, he would watch it all day long! A few weeks ago we bought him the complete set of cars from the movie at the Disney store (on sale of course!) and he loves those things. He sits and plays with them ALL the time. He talks about them as soon as he gets up in the morning. He says "I want a bitey" and then "I want cucks". Kucks = cars or trucks. He combines the two words. It's funny how he really is starting to tell you what he wants now. If he wants to go outside he says, "Momma, weeeee-weeeeeee...... outshide." This means he wants to go play on his swing set outside (it's so cute how he says outshide w/ an H!). Last night we were at Chili's and a waitress walks up to him and says, "How are you?" Apparently he thought she said how OLD are you because he held up two fingers and said, "I TWO!!!" He's always so proud of how old he is. Then she says, "What's your name?" and he points to himself and says very loudly, "I BAY-BAY!!" This means 'I'm the baby'. I've told him that one too many times, I guess. LOL. We need to work on Nelson, not baby, I guess.
I'm working from home now doing medical transcription for an Oncology group in Nashville (Tennessee Oncology). It's going really great and we're finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel as far as moneywise. Working at home w/ a two year old running around is not always a piece of cake. Speaking of cake... I have another story for you. The other day, out of the blue, Nelson starts screaming and I do mean SCREAMING.... here as our conversation:
NELSON: "Momma!"
ME: "What baby?"
NELSON: "I want cake-cake!" (this is how he says cake... says it double!)
ME: "Honey,we don't have any cake."
NELSON: "Momma! I want cake-cake!"
ME: "Nelson, we do not have any cake in this house!"
this went on a few more times... then he changed strategies...
NELSON: "Momma!"
ME: "What honey?"
NELSON: " I want a cookie!"
Uggggh! I don't know what the obsession is w/ cake and cookies all the sudden. You would think I fed him that stuff all the time... but I don't! I don't even keep that kind of stuff in the house! Not even a Little Debbie around these parts. Fruit or graham crackers is the sweetest thing you're gonna get around here. Maybe some sugar free jello or sugar free pudding.LOL.
He finally gave up on me and quit asking.... but then a few minutes later I heard the back door open (Steven got home) and it started all over again.
NELSON: "Daddy!"
DADDY: "What baby?"
NELSON: "I want cake-cake!"
Oh yeah..... the joys of a two year old boy............