Friday, June 08, 2007

My baby is ONE year old!!!

Okay, so we're caught up now. My baby is now a year old!!! I can't believe it. I always thought that time just flew by. But you really don't realize just how fast it flies by until you become a parent. It can almost get you kinda down sometimes looking back and wondering where the time has gone. It seems like we were bringing him home from the hospital just a few weeks ago. And it was a year ago! I know my baby will be grown before I can turn around - - so I am trying to just enjoy every minute that I can with him.

Here are some birthday party pics:
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Now that Nelson's getting bigger, he's able to do all kinds of fun stuff now! He loves the water!
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Lately he's been going through this stage of not wanting me to get out of his sight. I thought all these new birthday toys would keep him occupied.. but no such luck! LOL If he's not being held, he is now sitting in the floor screaming, "Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma!" With real tears flowing and everything! He won't even take his naps without me now.

I was talking to my Momma about it today and she told me, "Just enjoy every minute that you can right now because he won't be little for long." And I realized she was right - as always! LOL So, when he cries, I'll pick him up and I'll cuddle him as much as he wants. The housework can wait as well as all the other stuff. But my baby won't be a baby for long...

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About Me

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I am a 32 year old mom to a 2 year old little boy named Nelson. He runs me ragged, but I love every minute of it.